17 January 2011

Tiny Dancer

Adelaide started taking a fairytale dance class this month.  I can't even tell you how excited I was when she told me she wanted to take the class.  I have dancing in my blood you know and the fact that I may have passed that on makes me giddy.

I never want to be the mother who pushes her kids to do what she did (living vicariously I believe it's called), so I've never forced her into taking dance.  She has done gymnastics over the past two years which she has enjoyed, but when her friend Ryley asked her to come to class with her she wanted to go.  

It is so fun to watch her have a good time.  She loves walking around on her toes, wearing pretty skirts and holding fun props.  I hope she loves it, but if she doesn't I hope she finds something that she will love to do and excel at it.  Isn't she cute?  I know she's the cutest dancer I've ever seen.


{natalie} said...

She is just so big. It's crazy. She is an adorable dancer, I hope she loves it. We are looking for a new place for Add.

Wendy McMillan said...

What a perfect activity for Winter. Every little girl loves fairy tales and I don't think there's any way she could have grown up not loving to dance. Like you said, I don't think it's you living through her, it's in her genes. I mean, you're ok and all, but have you seen Davey dance? Oh yeah, that's what I'm talking about.

M Occasionally B said...

could she be cuter? I can imagine how proud you are of her. I would feel much the same...

Mim said...

Ohhhhhhh, she's so wonderful! I love Addie!!


Lana is in Ballet and Tap....she LOVES it too..and I cant get enough of the darling little outfits they get to wear. Adelaide is so cute! LOVE that last picture of her... she is beautiful!!