23 June 2011


That's what we used to call them growing up, flutterbyes. My mom gave Adelaide a butterfly garden which is one of the coolest things I've seen. I should have taken pictures of all of the stages, but... I didn't.

The caterpillars come in the mail when they are teeny tiny and new. They get huge in about a weeks time and then they form their pupae, which they remain in for not quite a week. Then one by one they suddenly appear as butterflies! We kept them in the house for five days or so before letting them go. Yesterday we took them outside and one by one they flew away. 

It was really fun to see the different stages up close and personal. Adelaide loved it and is already asking for more caterpillars to come in the mail:)


Mim said...

Flutterbyes!!!! I had forgot that's what we called them!!! Love it!

{natalie} said...

That is so cool! The kids saw that on tv and liked it.


I TOTALLY want to try that!!!

Unknown said...

Every year I forget to order a kit for my kids. We had some neighbors that did it one year and invited all the neighbor kids to come over for a release party. It was so much fun.