08 August 2011

Addie's Song

May caught Adelaide on the front porch today belting out an original song dedicated to her friend, Captain. I think most of the neighborhood heard. This is the only part we got on film.

Some lyrics:
"And my heart,
And your heart,
Hook together,
And we were bestest friends,
In the whole widest world."

"That you and me will be together,
You and me for my life,
That I will miss you Captain."


ma idaho said...

I'm going to bring the dog home!!!

Wendy McMillan said...

I'm relieved to know that she is dealing with her grief in a positive way. Maybe I should write a song too but there's no way I could match those pipes.

Ashley said...

If she doesn't have a future in singing I'll be shocked!! Seriously so cute!


Ok..... I would have to go get the dog after hearing that or buy her some sort of replacement animal lol. That song is the cutest thing I have ever heard.....and MAN that GIRL can sing!!!

Mim said...

Ohhhhh, so very sweet and lovely. I didn't realize she could sing so well. Has Captain found his way home yet? After hearing that love song, I wouldn't be surprised if he showed up at your door.

Jackie said...

So cute! I used to do that as a kid - soon she'll be pulling out cassette tapes (okay, cds or something) and singing into them recording her own creations. Better buy her a karaoke machine. :)

Elizabeth Price said...

Wow, she has some great dynamics! You guys coming to the beach?