30 January 2008

1 Year Ago

I was reminiscing tonight, watching a bunch of old video clips
from the time Adelaide was born.
This is her almost 1 year ago to the date.
She has changed so much!


Anonymous said...

What a doll! I loved her own little language you used to have! It's so amazing (and sad) how fast they change.

Chris Grover said...

oh the sweetness of that video! that was so cute! it almost doesn't seem fair how quickly they change and grow up! i find myself constantly trying to hold on for dear life to the precious moments of kaiya growing up!

Anonymous said...

Since I can't comment on your inspired blog, I'll do it here:

Ba-Rock me Obamma!

Rachel and Kelly said...

So Cute. I remember her jibberish.

{natalie} said...

she looks so little!! now she is so big and runs off to play w/kade and add like there is no need for parents. (at least that's what she did 5 minutes ago!)

bridgette said...

I think you need a video of what she can say now so that I can compare.