Anyway, moving on...
I wanted to thank Ryan and Ashley for this idea. We hope we understood how you do it exactly, so here it goes
(slightly modified):
1. Adelaide picked 15 of her favorite rocks
2. She picked her favorite color and painted them beautifully
3. I picked two rocks and painted them brown
(hopefully she doesn't need more than that)
4. She has her very own "good girl" jar
5. Every time she does something good, sweet, wonderful, etc.,
she gets to put a "good rock" in the jar
6. When she accumulates 15 rocks, she gets a treat or prize for her efforts
7. However, if she is naughty, she gets a brown rock
8. She cannot accumulate any more "good rocks" until she resolves this naughty rock
9. She does this by apologizing, being sweet, and so on
10. Then she can start accumulating "good rocks" again
We feel this can help in many areas. Recognizing good deeds from naughty ones, conflict resolution, counting, getting something only when you work for it, and probably more things I can't even think of.
Anyway, we hope this works. We as parents are in the habit of giving her things just cause she asks for it, so I think this will help us out as well. Sometimes we have a hard time sticking to things, so lets see how this works out.
Well Meg,
I didn't leave my reccomendation because I didn't want you to be embarassed. But I prefer dirty carpets. Dirty walls and furniture too. So I would reccomend not cleaning them. As far as the "rock jar" goes, I believe we may have had a similar type thing when you and your sisters were growing up. Although with one difference. Instead of putting the brown rocks in the jar when you did something you shouldn't. Me and your dad just threw them at you. Worked wonders. Look how great you turned out!!!!
Oh Megs. I'm sorry I didn't leave a comment on the last post. I too prefer dirty carpets. Nahh. I just have no clue who to go to. Anywho, that is such a cute idea for Addi. I'm sure she won't need more than the two brown rocks.
your mom cracks me up. i can totally picture big daddy chucking rocks at you.
and you have seen our carpets, you know we don't clean them. we should just burn them! we have used chemdry i think and they were ok. we might have a magnet on our fridge for someone else too. sorry, i'll check.
ps. cute purple rocks. i bet she'll fill the good jar fast, she's such a cutie.
Sorry I didn't have any suggestions for carpets or I would have!! And yay for Add! That's a great idea! My mom used to do something like that, but not with rocks. It worked until she stopped doing it. lol
sorry I am LAME..I should of posted a comment!! I hope your carpets get clean... I have no idea what to do..but I am going to buy our own steam cleaner for our house. Well that is a SWEET idea you have for Addi!!! Let me know how it goes sounds like maybe something Lana would get excited about.
I'm so glad you are trying this out, hope you like it as much as we do. it's great because it really helps them understand natural consequence, and righting the wrong. Remember you have to be SUPER consistent with it. Good luck!! But like your mom says if all else fails, throwing works too :). RY and and Ryley can't wait for Tuesday! Meghan would you ditch out of work and come so I have someone to chat with :).
What a great idea, those rocks. Let me know if it works.
As far as carpet cleaning, we had someone do ours about a year ago and they did an okay job, nothing to write home about. I can't even remember their name if that says anything. Soooo, if you happen to find someone that you love, we'd love to hear about it.
I didn't leave a comment because I don't like the people who clean our carpets but we still use them because we don't know who else to use :)
stanley steemer does our carpets. And since we don't live in UTah and haven't for 5 years I don't even know what local companies are there.
I hope you find a good one...cause stanley steemer isn't my favorite!
moving on...
that's a great idea with the rocks. thanks for sharing. I just might have to use that once we're settled.
p.s. Have I told you yet that you are more than welcome to come and visit in California? Cause you are...
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